We can Recover Data from all Damaged, Corrupted, or Infected Devices, Both Personal & Business.

Cybersecurity is a top concern for businesses in every industry. As defense systems grow more complex and robust, the tactics cybercriminals use to circumvent these defenses also evolve. Your business needs reliable cybersecurity services, and contracting to specialists will be far more cost-effective and efficient than training in-house cybersecurity teams.

Flashback Data has gained a strong reputation since 2004 for being a leader in digital forensics, digital data recovery, and various hosted services. Our portfolio of advanced digital services now includes cybersecurity services. Our teams have the training and experience necessary to provide our clients with consistent security and the latest training on emerging threats. We stand by our brand promise to deliver the best possible digital services to our clients, which is why Flashback Data is known widely as the experts other experts turn to for help.


Ransomware attacks have escalated in scope and sophistication in recent years. Companies often struggle not only to cope with the aftermath of a cyberattack, but they often can’t recognize a security breach until it is too late. Outdated threat-hunting techniques and reactionary incident response protocols are no longer sufficient in the face of quickly evolving security threats.

Flashback Data cybersecurity teams have the training to identify and locate system breaches quickly and efficiently so they don’t have the chance to harm targeted systems. Instead of waiting for an attack and responding with little to no effect, Flashback Data cybersecurity professionals will catch intrusions in progress and isolate affected systems before they can spread the infection to other systems and identify vulnerabilities in a client’s network.

Flashback Data is Recognized for Data Recovery Expertise:

PC World
Digital Trends


Flashback Data’s Defensive Cyber Operations are focused primarily on responding to incidents within an enterprise network. In contrast to traditional operations where forensics is used to aid in a criminal or civil investigation, our defensive cyber capabilities focus on detection, containment, eradication, and determining the root cause of the breach. Currently, we employ three methods in the field:

  • Pro-active Threat Hunting with Forensic State Analysis Techniques

  • Incident Response Focused Forensics

  • Rapid and In-Depth Malware Analysis


When you work with Flashback Data for your cybersecurity needs, you can rest assured that various aspects of your network security are in the hands of trained experts. Our teams perform various cybersecurity functions, including:

  • Breach Detection and Identification

    You’ll know when breaches occur instead of managing the fallout weeks or months later.

  • Identifying and Isolating Breached Systems

    Many companies experience data breaches without realizing it before the infection can spread to multiple systems on a network. Flashback Data’s monitoring structure helps our teams locate compromised systems so we can quarantine them quickly.

  • Damage Reports

    After a breach, your Flashback Data team will let you know the effects, including compromised systems, files that may have been stolen or corrupted, and any change logs in your network.

  • Incident Containment

    Our teams work diligently to identify and remedy incidents as soon as they happen.

  • Consistent Training on New Threats

    Our teams do not take a reactive approach to cybersecurity. Flashback Data cybersecurity professionals are always researching the latest threats and trends in cybersecurity so we can serve our clients with the latest information.

Protect Your Network with Cyber Security Support from Flashback Data!

Our teams have the training and experience to provide our clients with consistent security and the latest training on emerging threats.


Threat hunting is a process where an analyst proactively looks for any signs of a breach within an enterprise under the assumption that the network is already compromised; we call this a “zero-trust model.” While there are many different ways to approach this, Flashback Data uses a process called “forensic-state analysis.” This process allows an analyst to pull back forensic artifacts from every host within the network, de-duplicate / correlate, and run indicators against threat intelligence and other detection methods. This process is done at scale (on two systems or two thousand) and pulls information like:

  • running applications
  • memory-resident applications (not on disk)
  • persistence mechanisms
  • forensic artifacts
  • signs of OS tampering (hooking or rootkits)


Incident response-focused forensics is a process similar to traditional forensics; however, we focus on determining the breach’s root cause in this case. This includes timeline creation of the incident using images of infected systems, detecting known and unknown malware samples, and providing indicators of compromise to the incident response team to detect future threats.


Malware analysis capabilities vary from investigation to investigation. For cases where the malware was detected by traditional security capabilities (e.g., antivirus), we employ methods to find malware and determine their impact on the enterprise. For cases where the malware is unknown, we employ the following techniques to determine the malware writer’s intent:

  • static analysis: analyzing malware for functionality, dependencies, etc.
  • dynamic analysis: running the malware in a monitor sandboxed environment
  • code-level analysis: reverse engineering malware

Data Recovery

We Retrieve Your Data from Damaged, Hacked, or Corrupted Devices for Consumers & Businesses

Data Forensics/Investigations

policeWe Recover Lost & Hidden Data on Devices & Accounts for Attorneys, Law Enforcement, & Governments